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NeuroQ Quality Testing

How do you know whether the supplements you are taking are safe?

Any time you purchase a supplement, you want to be sure that it is not only safe but that the ingredients are present in a dose that is effective and that the purity of those ingredients ensures delivery of the promised nutrients and benefits.

Transparency around both a product’s formula and quality testing is absolutely critical. You should always know what you are putting in your body.

We are proud to say that our testing process for all NeuroQ products is second to none.

Quality Testing

Each ingredient is tested three times throughout the process: before, during, and after manufacturing. We test all our ingredients for the following:

  • Identity
  • Microbial presence
  • Heavy metals
  • Potency

Our Testing Process

Additionally, we have also gone back to products on store shelves nearing their expiration date and re-tested them for potency. This way, whenever you buy a NeuroQ product, you know you are getting an effective product every single time.  

Botanist Review Process

Each ingredient is thoroughly inspected by our expert botanist before being used in our products.

Technology is great, but unfortunately doesn’t catch everything the trained eye of a botanist can. This can include fillers or other parts of the plant or raw material that don’t contain the right concentrations of the key nutrient.

Unfortunately, many suppliers of nutrients and supplements try and get away with adding substitutes and fillers by making them undetectable with most testing equipment. That’s why we’ve added this extra crucial step in our production process.

Best Ingredients, Best Formulas, Best Results

If any ingredients do not meet our quality standards, or any adulterants are identified, the entire batch is rejected and we will not work with that supplier going forward.

Read more about the NeuroQ formula and how our specially selected ingredients were chosen to deliver optimal brain health. 

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Aphantasia and Its Effect on Memory

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The NeuroQ Formula